While March Madness took center stage this weekend, another epic match up was taking place here in Chicago. Lou Malnati’s squared off against fellow deep dish pizzerias to find out once and for all who has the best deep dish in town. After nearly 50,000 votes, the results of Eater Chicago’s Pizza Week poll are finally in. And the winner is…..
Lou Malnati’s!
Our celebration got a little out of hand. See what happened when Marc Malnati shared the news and what left him asking, “What happened to Gatorade?” #malnatimadness #tomatoshower
The NCAA tournament is under way, but there is another type of match up taking place here in Chicago. In honor of their annual Pizza Week, Eater Chicago is taking a poll to determine once and for all which restaurant Chicagoans think has the best deep dish pizza. Lou’s dominated the first round, and we are facing off in the finals today.
Let’s put this debate to rest once and for all.
It’s been 5479 days since the Carol Stream Lou Malnati’s opened its doors in 1999. Since then we’ve made 15 trips around the sun and we’ve made thousands of pizzas. In honor of our anniversary, let’s take a trip down memory lane to recall a few happenings from ’99.
Is Carol Stream your go-to Lou’s? Stop by the Carol Stream store today through Sunday, March 9th to enter to win a Lou Malnati’s gift basket in celebration of their 15th Anniversary!
Hey, sports fans!
Join ESPN 1000 and the Waddle & Silvy Show for a live broadcast at Lou Malnati’s brand new Oak Park pizzeria from 2-6pm on Friday, February 21st. What better way to close out your week than hear the latest on Chicago sports while chowing down on some deep dish pizza?
Where: 1038 Lake Street
When: Friday, Feb. 21st @ 2-6pm
Happy Valentine’s Day! How are you celebrating? Don’t forget heart-shaped pizzas are available at all 37 locations today, so go ahead – eat your heart out!
Here at Lou Malnati’s we are not only celebrating Valentine’s Day, but also the 20th anniversary of our Naperville Pizzeria! The Naperville Lou Malnati’s opened on February 14th, 1994 in the heart of downtown Naperville. It occupies the oldest remaining firehouse in Naperville and the décor reflects the history with ladders and other related memorabilia. During our 40 years in Naperville, we have made over a million pizzas but more importantly a bundle of memories.
Thank you to the Naperville community for welcoming us into the neighborhood 20 years ago and we’re looking forward to making more pizzas and memories during the next 20 years!
As of today, Friday, February 14th, the Oak Park Lou Malnati’s will be open for lunch daily at 11:00am. For more information on this location, please visit the Oak Park location page.
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